Event box

This panel features Penn faculty who will talk about their experiences and perspectives on publishing their scholarly work on open access platforms. Dr. Eric Johnston will speak on the Quatrone Nanofab facility's use of ScholarlyCommons to make lab protocols, tool data, and operating procedures publicly available. Dr. Erol Akcay, Department of Biology, will speak on his experience publishing in several established open access venues including PeerJ, bioRxiv, and PLOS Biology. Martha Curley, RN, PhD, FAAN will speak about her open access text book as well as her work making resources openly accessible to nurse practitioners. This session is part of the Penn Libraries' 2015 Colloquium on Open Access: Open Dialogues on Open Access.

Monday, November 16, 2015
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Meyerson Conf Room, 2nd Floor, VPDLC
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Digital Publishing
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Nick Okrent