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This workshop is the first in a three-part series on presenting your work online. By integrating a number of digital components through three distinct but iterative workshops, participants will become conversant with several different digital presentation strategies so as to represent a text, image or object with clear authorship and citations. The first session will focus on graphics, specifically how to create graphics and what to consider when you’re conveying meaning through images and design. Before participating in this module, participants will be expected to watch online tutorials accessible via Lynda.com (see below for links).

Skills and Competencies Covered:

Upon completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Analyze a digital object by asking questions about that work’s author, argument, creation process, presentation, and medium of choice.
  2. Use digital tools to edit, remix, and create media.
  3. Recognize the physical and legal limitations, and obligations, associated with disseminating digital media.


This workshop is intended for:

  • Instructors
  • Graduate students / TAs
  • Upper-level undergraduates

Pre-Workshop Information:

Participants will be asked to watch brief videos on Lynda.com to gain an understanding of key concepts and language when working in graphic design. The videos for this workshop are as follows:

This session is the first in a three-workshop series on presenting your work online. It will be followed by:

Note: Participants are encouraged, but not required, to complete each of the three workshops and their corresponding online components.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Digital Media Literacy, Featured
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

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William Hodgson
Katie Rawson
The Power of Packaging: Creating Meaningful Graphics