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                                                                                        Joe Schaffner

        Rashmi Kumar,  Ed.D.                                                                                                                                 Joe Schaffner

Specialist in STEM Learning, Weingarten Learning Resources Center                        Courseware Support Librarian, Penn Libraries


Ready to blend your course but not sure how to pick the best technology? This session builds on the Blended Learning workshop (DigPed 001) to help participants align a particular overarching goal (for example, Creating a class culture that supports safe and open discussion of controversial subjects) to specific technologies and strategies for their use. The session is highly customized to participants' interests. Based on individual results from a pre-workshop activity, participants will gain hands-on experience with a supported technology. Together the group will become familiar with additional pedagogical support options on campus, and engage in reflection and discussion with colleagues.

Workshop Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this workshop, you should be able to:

  1. Match a learning goal to a specific technological tool
  2. Through hands-on experience, test and evaluate the use of a technology to support an instructional goal
  3. Develop criteria for evaluating tools with colleagues

Skills, concepts, or competencies this workshop delivers:

  • Application and evaluation of technologies used for instruction
  • Continued professional development through campus and online networks

Recommended prerequisite: DigPed 001 online component


This workshop is intended for:

  • Faculty 
  • TAs
  • Staff who provide pedagogical and/or technological support for instructors or TAs

Pre-Workshop Information:

  • Participants will be asked to complete a brief exercise on lesson goals in Canvas before attending the workshop.
  • Within 48 hours of registration, a participant who has not completed the first workshop in this series ("Blended Learning: Teaching with Technology More Purposefully") will be enrolled in the "Blended Learning" Canvas site and will be emailed instructions on how to complete the lesson-goals exercise.
  • Participants who have completed the first workshop will be emailed a reminder to complete the lesson-goals exercise before attending this workshop.

This session is the second in a three-workshop series on blended learning. It will be followed by:

This workshop was preceded by:

Note: Participants are encouraged, but not required, to complete each of the three workshops and their corresponding online components. If a participant has not completed the first workshop in this series, it is strongly recommended that they complete a brief introductory tutorial on blended Learning in Canvas before completing the lesson-goals exercise and attending the workshop. 

Related LibGuide: Digital Pedagogy Workshop Series by Leqi Liu

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Room 113: Collaborative Classroom
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Digital Pedagogy, Featured
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Katie Rawson