Event box

Please join us over an informal lunch to discuss what the "humanités numériques," or digital humanities, looks like in the French and Francophone Studies Department at Penn and other institutions. Members of the French Department, including Scott Francis and Mélanie Péron, will speak about their current French DH work and issues to consider when planning such projects. Stewart Varner of the Price Lab for the Digital Humanities and Scott Enderle from the Penn Libraries will speak about ways that their teams can assist with project support and funding. Lastly, Penn librarians, Vickie Karaisc and David McKnight, will present resources for connecting to French DH projects as well as ideas from Penn Libraries' special collections.

We ask that you kindly RSVP by February 1.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Meyerson Conf Room, 2nd Floor, VPDLC
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Katie Rawson
French Studies Colloquium: Humanités Numériques at Penn and Beyond