Petrarca / is again / in sight
Event box
An afternoon symposium, in conjunction with that evening’s Music in the Pavilion concert, Petrarch in Renaissance Music, will highlight Ms. Codex 2196, the recently acquired manuscript of Francesco Petrarca’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta—often referred to as the songbook par excellence, il canzoniere—and Triumphi. Speakers will examine the manuscript’s production in Florence during the third quarter of the fifteenth century, unveiling significant aspects of its scribe’s and illuminator’s work. The symposium will include presentations on new developments in the PetrArchive, a rich-text digital edition of the partially autograph manuscripts of Petrarca’s canzoniere, and on the Marenzio Online Digital Edition (MODE), a critical edition of the music of Luca Marenzio (ca. 1553-1599).
Image credit: Illuminated initial letter “V” from Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere and Trionfi (Florence, c1470s) (Ms. Codex 2196)
Event Organizer