Event box

Our June 14 Penn Libraries Presents features Cosette Bruhns Alonso, Contemporary Publishing Fellow. Cosette's presentation is entitled: Born Digital: Creating, Preserving, and Publishing Multimodal Scholarship at Penn Libraries

In this presentation, Cosette will introduce the landscape of multimodal digital scholarly publishing with a focus on their creation, development, review, preservation, and discoverability. The conversation will address approaches for developing journals, monographs, and other types of digital publications at Penn Libraries that take advantage of unique digital affordances and uses of multimodal and interactive media-rich enhancements. 

We look forward to seeing you there. 

If you are interested in presenting at one of our Wednesday at 12:00 events, please fill out the Plenn Libraries Presents form.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Nick Okrent