Event box

If you are working on your topic, looking for the best articles to support your arguments, looking for evidence to support those arguments; if you are wondering why you should cite your sources or create a bibliography, or want to know the best way to do this, or if you want to get all your articles, books, and quotations organized; if you are wondering about the best way to quote, how much to quote, and more, stop by our weekly drop in. 

We will be in the RDDSx area, 1/2 way between the Information Desk and the Weigle Information Commons (WIC). 

Enter Van Pelt Dietrich Library, walk past the Information Desk and turn left. You'll see us there! 


Related LibGuide: Citation Best Practices by Alexandrea Glenn

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Paper writing , Productivity
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Alexandrea Glenn
Nick Okrent