Event box

If you are working on narrowing or refining your topic, looking for the best articles, books, chapters, media to support your arguments, looking for evidence to support those arguments; if you are wondering when and why you should cite your sources or create a bibliography, or want to know the best way to do this, or if you want to get all your articles, books, and quotations organized; if you are wondering about the best way to quote, how much to quote, and more, stop by our weekly drop in. 

We will be in the Weigel Information Commons. Enter Van Pelt Dietrich Library, walk past the Information Desk, turn left and continue down the hallway. You'll see us there!


Related LibGuide: Citation Best Practices by Alexandrea Glenn

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Weigle Information Commons Rooms and Booths
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center: Weigle Information Commons
Information Literacy, Paper writing , Productivity, Research assistance

Event Organizer

Alexandrea Glenn
Nick Okrent