Please join us for a conversation with PK Professor Konrad Kording. Professor Kording will be talking about, "Problems in Science."
Dr. Kording has appointments in the Departments of Neuroscience through Perelman School of Medicine and Bioengineering in the School of Engineerin. He approaches his research from a collaborative and transdisciplinary perspective. You can find out more about his work and K-Lab here. His projects span from "policing science," to "how to write papers," to "uncertanity in the brain," to statistics of the real world."
Research teas provide an opportunity to learn more about ongoing research on the Penn campus in an informal setting with tea and cookies. We look forward to seeing you there!
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Meyerson Conf Room, 2nd Floor, VPDLC
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center