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Despite being one of the biggest informational resources available, Wikipedia has a troubling gender gap: in the English language version of Wikipedia, it’s estimated that only 10-15% editors are women, and women are the subject of less than 20% of all biographical pages. Recent research from the Annenberg School has documented how feminist edit-a-thons are able to successfully intervene in these gaps and add more content about women. 

We invite you to put this research into practice with us. We will have a Wikipedia edit-a-thon Wednesday, April 13 in the Annenberg School for Communication Library. Join us for an afternoon of editing Wikipedia pages for women in communication and media.

Annenberg researcher Isabelle Langrock will share tips for greater impact based on her study of Wikipedia editing initiatives. We will provide editing training, a list of articles to get you started, research materials and support, and snacks (format TBA). 

You can come for the whole time or just drop in. We encourage you to bring a device to work on, but if you need a computer, just email katie.rawson@asc.upenn.edu. We’ll also be available via Zoom during the edit-a-thon - register here if you would like to join remotely.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Katie Rawson