R Penn Group
Event box
You know what’s better than learning how to use R? Learning how to use R with other people! Bring your research, dream up a mini project, or learn how to think critically about relevant data with your peers. The R Penn Group (RPG) presented by the Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at Penn Libraries is a group that meets to discuss, learn, and collaborate on topics and projects related to statistics, mapping, data wrangling, visualization, and analysis with R programming language through hands-on problem-solving. Whether you are working on job-marketable data upskilling, looking for a study group for an upcoming coding contest, or preparing for upcoming coursework—or perhaps you want to be chug along on your own, surrounded by productive conversations about R—you can be a part of our on-campus community!
Location: Goldstein Electronic Classroom, Room 114, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Related LibGuide: Statistical Software by Lynda Kellam
These two hours will be reserved for co-working and collaborative study with your peers. Bring your own laptops. Students, staff, and faculty of University of Pennsylvania at any level of skill are welcome in R Penn Group.
Goldstein Electronic Classroom (Room 114): Located on the first floor of Van Pelt Dietrich Library Center, Room 114, with entrance located right after the Kamin Exhibit Gallery.
Required: KN-95 or N-95 or equivalent masks to be worn for the duration of the session.
Event Organizer