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Spend more time conducting your research and less time on administration! ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), is a free, unique, persistent identifier for students, postdocs and faculty conducting research. Your ORCID iD: 

  • Reliably connects you with your research contributions and affiliations, regardless of whether you change jobs, your name, or your field of research
  • Ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you and makes them more discoverable to others
  • Reduces data entry:
  • Research funders and publishers are integrating ORCIDs with their electronic systems allowing manuscript submission and grant application forms to be pre-populated with your ORCID information (e.g., SciENcv)  
  • Trusted organizations (e.g., NIH and Penn) can add grant and other information to your record if you permit it 

Note that in 2022, the Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology Policy issued memos strongly recommending all federally funded researchers obtain a digital persistent identifier such as an ORCID iD in the interest of research security (NSPM-33) and to meet the new requirement to ensure free, immediate, and equitable access to federally funded research.

Join Nicky Agate (Penn Libraries) and Lisa Nichols (Office of Research Services) as they discuss the advantages of getting an ORCID for research visibility, getting credit for a broad range of work, and reducing the amount of time you spend filling out forms!


Related LibGuide: ORCiD by Manuel de la Cruz Gutierrez

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Open Scholarship
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Lynda Kellam
ORCID: What is it? How are funders and publishers integrating it into systems and workflows? How can it reduce my workload—and why does it matter now?