Room 114: Goldstein Electronic Classroom (Weigle Information Commons) Capacity: 16

Welcome to the Goldstein Electronic Classroom (Room 114). This space is tailored for students to participate in pair work and collaborate effectively within teams.
Physical set-up
8 two-person movable desks, 16 rolling chairs with storage, 1 height-adjustable instructor station and chair, and whiteboard walls around the front perimeter of the room. The room capacity is 16.
There are 16 PC computers, two at each table. There is one dual-monitor instructor PC, which connects to 2 ceiling projectors for options of displaying a single monitor, a dual extended monitor, or dual separate monitors. A VGA cable and HDMI cable for connecting laptops to the projector are attached to the instructor's PC. The room has a wall panel for controlling the instructor station projection display options.
- New to Goldstein? Please schedule an appointment for training and orientation before you make your first reservation. We will review your responses and reply to your request as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email
- Please refer to the Goldstein User Manual for detailed information about the room's utilization.
- If you have any questions or comments about the room, please feel free to leave them here regarding its usage. We welcome your feedback!
Located on the first floor of Van Pelt Dietrich Library Center, Rm 114, with entrance located right after the Kamin Exhibit Gallery.