Revamp your research toolkit with several of our favorite apps that will streamline, refresh, and kickstart your workflow for the new year. Attendees will have the opportunity to demo these apps on the Fisher Fine Arts Library's new lendable iPads.
This workshop is the first of the four-part Research x Design series, which aims to prepare participants for their next significant research project. Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshops:
Zotero for Citations and Images (2/22, 3/22, 4/19)
Get It Together! - Apps for Research, Creation, Productivity, and More! (2/1)
Databases for Design-centered Research (2/8, 3/1, 4/5)
Making the Most of Archival Research in collaboration with the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania (2/15)
Friday, February 1, 2019
Fisher B Level Seminar Room
Fisher Fine Arts Library
Featured, Productivity