Event box


Catherine Turner

Senior Associate Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

John MacDermott

Director for Instructional Technology, Penn Arts & Sciences Computing


Join us for the final workshop in the three-part series on Blended Learning. In this hands-on session, participants will discover how to leverage the basic elements of any classroom (walls, boards, desks, tables, projectors, etc.) to create an active, collaborative learning experience for students. After building a foundation of learning spaces and in-class student collaboration techniques, participants will brainstorm, design and teach classroom an activity in the VanPelt-Dietrich Library's Collaborative Classroom. Through discussion and reflection, participants will offer and receive feedback to help them integrate technology and physical teaching spaces purposefully to best meet their lesson goal(s).

Workshop Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this workshop, you should be able to

  1. Use tips on learning space design to quickly and easily adapt any space for collaborative learning
  2. Design collaborative in-class activities suitable for their own lesson goal(s)
  3. Integrate collaborative in-class activities with technology

Skills, concepts, or competencies this workshop delivers:

  • Application and evaluation of technologies used for instruction
  • Techniques to leverage physical spaces for active learning
  • Continued professional development through online networks

Recommended prerequisite: DigPed 001 & DigPed 002 online components


This workshop is intended for:

  • Faculty 
  • TAs
  • Staff who provide pedagogical and/or technological support for instructors or TAs

Pre-Workshop Information:

  • Participants will be asked to complete a brief exercise on a technological tool of their choice in Canvas before attending the workshop.
  • Within 24 hours of registration, participants who have not completed the second workshop in this series ("Mixing It Up with Tech: Turning a Course Activity into a Blended Learning Experience") will be enrolled in the "Blended Learning" Canvas site and will be emailed instructions on how to complete the tech-tool exercise.
  • Participants who have not completed the first workshop in this series ("Blended Learning: Teaching with Technology More Purposefully") will also be asked to complete the lesson-goals exercise in Canvas before attending the workshop. 
  • Participants who have completed the second workshop will be emailed a reminder to complete the tech-tools exercise before attending this workshop.

This session is the third in a three-workshop series on blended learning. It was preceded by:

Note: Participants are encouraged, but not required, to complete each of the three workshops and their corresponding online components. If a participant has not completed the first and/or second workshop in this series, it is strongly recommended that they complete all online components of these preceding workshops in Canvas before completing the tech-tools exercise and attending the workshop. 

Related LibGuide: Digital Pedagogy Workshop Series by Leqi Liu

Monday, March 12, 2018
9:00am - 10:30am
Room 113: Collaborative Classroom
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Digital Pedagogy
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Katie Rawson